latest zero waste updates:
Zero Waste Ordinance
We are excited to report that the City Commission unanimously passed the Zero Waste Ordinance! Thank you to the Gainesville City Commissioners, Zero Waste Subcommittee, City Staff, and our community for supporting this effort.
Zero Waste Gainesville is regularly engaged with City and County Commissioners and staff to provide recommendations and feedback on Zero Waste policy. We keep citizens informed of key local ordinances and activities that involve sustainable waste management, and provide information through our newsletter and social media on how the community can be involved and advocate for Zero Waste. Together, our community has made great strides towards our Zero Waste goals. Here are a few past accomplishments:
The City has drafted important updates to the Solid Waste Ordinance that establishes a reuse program, bans single-use plastic on city property, improves recycling across the city, and creates a prescription take-back service. The first reading of the ordinance passed unanimously on May 5, 2022.
The City has drafted a food waste ordinance and food diversion ordinance to ensure edible food is provided to those who need it and establishes residential and business composting. The first reading of the ordinance passed unanimously on May 5, 2022.
The City and County co-developed the Zero Waste Strategy Report.
The City and County have hired Sustainability Managers that move local government forward with Zero Waste.
The City passed an ordinance to ban plastic straws and stirrers which went into effect January 2020.
Curious about what other cities are doing? Eco-Cycle Solutions is a great resource for information about Zero Waste. Click the map below to learn about Zero Waste policies passed by communities around the country.
Zero Waste Gainesville is proud to partner with the following agencies and organizations:
The Repurpose Project
Life Unplastic
The City of Gainesville
Alachua County
Beaten Path Compost
Sierra Club Suwannee - St. Johns Group
We Are Neutral
NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Committee
Working Food
Current Problems
Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo