Our mission is to advocate for Zero Waste policies in our local government and raise awareness about the simple things people can do in their daily lives to reduce waste.
To educate and inspire our community to commit to Zero Waste goals and practices that will positively impact our environment, human health, and the economy.
“Zero Waste: The conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.”
-Zero Waste International Alliance, peer-reviewed internationally accepted definition of Zero Waste
We are a community group advocating for our city to become Zero Waste by 2040. We view sustainable waste management as a way to solve multiple environmental issues facing our community and beyond. We recognize that Zero Waste principles are important in reducing the waste that goes to our local landfill and addressing environmental concerns such as climate change, water quality, air quality and energy consumption. This takes not only government planning and policy to achieve, it requires a shift in the mindset and behavior of all members of the community. It requires our local government to start planning now to improve waste management and recycling practices. It involves educating the community about ways to change their daily habits to reduce the waste they generate, and recycle, reuse or compost the rest. Join us in the effort to improve our environment and quality of life.
Amanda Waddle, Director or Zero Waste, Repurpose Project
Amanda advocates for Zero Waste through education and outreach in the Gainesville community. As an ambassador for The 5 Gyres Institute Amanda conducts education and outreach on microplastics, microbeads, microfibers and plastic pollution in our oceans. Amanda is a certified TRUE Advisor and has a Masters of Science degree from the University of Florida in Interdisciplinary Ecology. Amanda's strong connection with nature through studying and working as a biologist in Florida is what drives her commitment to helping individuals, schools, businesses and cities to work towards Zero Waste. Amanda along with her husband, Hardin are raising 2 nature loving girls, Allison and Lacey and as a family they enjoy hiking, canoeing, kayaking, visiting springs and beaches and working towards Zero Waste.