zero waste week 2021
Join Zero Waste Gainesville, The Repurpose Project and Life Unplastic for Zero Waste Week 2021 from January 24 through January 30. It will be a week of education, action items, and solutions on different aspects of Zero Waste to educate our community about Zero Waste principles and get us on a collective path towards achieving those goals. A special thanks to the City of Gainesville and Alachua County for supporting this effort through proclamations.
City of Gainesville Zero Waste Week Proclamation
Alachua County Zero Waste Week Proclamation
The theme of this year’s Zero Waste Week is Nothing in Nature is Wasted. In the natural world, resources are continuously used and reused as organisms and nutrients form cycles and improve their ecosystems - thus nothing is waste. Read more about the upcoming week on our blog and register for Zero Waste Week here!
Today we are challenging you to a call to action. Nkwanda Jah, Chair of the Alachua County NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Committee says it best in her poem “Whatever”. You can view her powerful words below.
And finally, the Zero Waste Week team invites you to explore what Florida’s natural beauty means to them. Enjoy our photos and share with us your favorites on Instagram using #zerowastegville!